Embark on a journey through the vast expanse of space aboard a spacecraft, where the paramount objective is to ensure survival. Caution, however, must be exercised, as an infiltrator lurks within the crew! This deceiver will resort to any means necessary to eradicate the entire team, perpetrating shipwide sabotage and launching surprise attacks from the shadows. Utilizing stealth, they can conceal themselves within dim recesses, traverse ventilation ducts undetected, and strike without warning. Solely through keen observation and collaborative efforts can their true identity be uncovered prior to irreparable harm. Are you a team member endowed with astute acumen or the cunning miscreant who remains impervious to blunders? Let us ascertain the truth!
Embark on the Intergalactic Vessel featured in Impostor in Space and determine whether you possess the intellect to outwit or outlast the adversary!